It's 4:00 am and I can't sleep and Teresa can't either. So Teresa makes a pot of coffee and we look out over the city of Utsunomiya. The sun is not thinking about waking up yet and that is good. Teresa goes back to bed because Ric has a hard time sleeping once he knows she's up and vise versa. I on the other hand pour a cup of coffee and play on the internet. Ric and Teresa are up now preparing for the day ahead of them. I really hated to tell Ric good bye but he is leaving for work and when he returns I will be already headed back to Ohio. I am starting to finish up the little things I have out and packing them in my bookbag.

I am thinking about all the fun times and memories I have made while here. One thing running around in my head is that it took 3 weeks for the cherry blossom trees on one of the roads Kozue goes down to take me to Teresa's every morning. Kozue told me that the road is so beautiful when the road is tree lined with beautiful sakura trees all bloomed.
The plant that Susumu that was like a orchid after 3 weeks was in full orange blooms. So beautiful, every morning I would get up and look at the progress of his flower. Teresa braided my hair for me this morning. Thanks Teresa my hair didn't fall down the entire 24 hours it took to get home.
I am now ready to go eat lunch and go to bus station. Teresa and I packed the car and Kozue stopped by with my jacket which I had left at her house. I tell her so long till we meet again in Ohio when she visits Teresa. We are on our way to pick up Valerie so she can come to lunch with us and walk with me over to the bus station. It's raining making this day even more gloomy than it already is for me. We are going to the gyoza place as that is what I want to eat since Utsunomiya is the gyoza capital of the world.

Valerie bought our lunches and bought me a beer. Loved the mug
Heading to the bus station now and its raining, making this day even more gloomy. Thank goodness there is not alot of waiting time once I reach the bus stop.