Cherry Blossoms

Sunday, April 1, 2012

March 31 Nobu & Taka Adventures

Started the day off at 5am and am anxious to meet Nobu and Taka.  I am up and ready and making myself a nice cup of hot coffee.  Trying to get my blog finished so I can finally be caught up. Everything is posted now and Koche has breakfast ready.  It's now 8:30 and Koche waits out at end of driveway with me, so we can stop them if they drive by and miss her house.  I saw them drive by and yelled at them.  They pulled over immediately and got out of car and Nobu and I hugged.  I missed her and was happy to see them both.  Nothing is going to stop us from having a wonderful day together, rain or wind. Just being with these wonderful people makes me happy.
Nobu asked me if I have ever rode in a steam engine train and I told her NO.  Taka had bought us tickets to ride on a steam engine train, I'm so excited. On the way to train station the wind was fierce and blowing so very hard.  Taka told me that It is an annual sign that spring is arriving when yellow sand from China gets blown over to Japan.  Today the wind storm blew in yellow sand making the drive very hard.

 Nobu said she wanted to surprise her friends that sell strawberries with a visit. Nobu and Taka had taken Marlon and I the last time we were in Japan to see them.  He knew who I was the minute he saw me and ask where Marlon san was.  Right in front of where he had been sitting sorting strawberries was a picture of Marlon and Me and his wife.  I could not believe that he had that pinned up there but made me feel good that he did. If you look close you will see our photo in the picture.

 He made a pot of green tea for all all of us and put a fresh container of strawberries out for us to eat. What a kind thoughtful thing for him to do.
Nobu bought 8 qts of strawberries and wants to give 1/2 to my host family and 1/2 to Teresa & Ric.  Nobu and Taka are such wonderful, thoughtful, loving people.  I'm so glad our paths crossed in that restaurant that rainy night 2 years ago.  
It's almost lunch time and Nobu stops at Big Boy to eat.  They had never eaten there before.   Nobu buys my lunch and together was sit and eat and talk about the day and what is in store for me. Just to let everyone know this is not even close to the big boy in Ohio.  
On our way now to find the train station and get started on our way to ride on the steam engine train.
When we reach our destination Nobu will  drop of Taka and I and Taka will buy us a train ticket  from Shimodate train station to location where we will board the steam engine train.  Once we reach Shimodate train station we will wait on the steam engine train to take us to Moka. Nobu will drive to Moka and meet us there when we get off the train.  

Standing at the station waiting for our train so we can board.  Its very windy outside and a little cool but thats ok.  I'm excited to be here with the special train ride that Taka has purchased for us to do. We are on the train and the train is getting to the signal to move out.
 Inside the train everyone us finding their seat for good view.
 Thank you Taka for brand new experience.
On the train 2 ladies with a cart came around selling various items.  Taka purchased us a Japanese sweet treat and bought me a charm with the steam engine on it.  I will attach to my Pentex camera. 

On the train ride I saw many houses with roofs that need repaired from the earthquake.

It is still very windy outside, it's amazing to see and almost a little scary.  
As we rode the train I tried some candy that Taka had bought.  I really liked it, sweet crunchy candy.
 The train has stopped at our destination and we are getting off the train.  As we pass the main engine of the train we watched as the engineer stoked the bin with more coal to power the train for another trip down the rails.

 Nobu was waiting on us as we got off the train.
It's now time for lunch and they want to eat at Big Boy as they have never eaten there before.

Food was good and I'm full.  Ready to hit the road and travel to the next place of interest.The wind has slowed down but now we have pouring down rain.  LOL  NOTHING is going to stop us from having a good time together.  I have loved everything we have done, and so enjoy their company and conversation.
Nobu has found the location of the place we are all going to leave to weave. The place is nestled amid nature in Yuki City (Ibaraki Prefecture).  Tsumugi-no-Sato lies off the beaten path and is not easy to find. I am excited and nervous all at the same time as I get out with my umbrella and follow Taka.  We were greeted by a lovely kind lady who had set 3 pairs of slippers for each of us at the door.  Together we took our shoes off and put on our slippers.  She is taking us back to the weaving machines and is explaining what we will be doing.  The looms are powered by your feet, hands, and imagination (not electricity).  We were all instructed to pick out some colors that we want to make our items out of.  Nobu paid for me to weave a scarf, so I picked out the colors I wanted; lavender, blue, yellow and peach.
The sensei for weaving sits me down at the machine and begins instructing me how to weave as the others watch me.They are then started on their projects of making coasters. 
After about one hour and 1/2 I am finished making my scarf which is 130 centimeters long.
I have now completed my scarf and I love the colors it turned out very nice. It is made of pure silk fibers. I will try it on so you may see my finished product. 
Nobu told me we are now going to try our hand at Indigo Dyeing.  Taka came from the outside and in his hands he held out a long sleeved white t~shirt for Marlon and one for me.
  Nobu said I can dye Marlon's and she will dye mine. She wants the shirts to be dyed in a gradual color fade.  We were told by sensei to put on the aprons,  rubber boots and plastic long gloves.  Sensei told us that indigo dye   naturally repel insects and ward off germs. All of Tsumugi-no-Sato's indigo comes from plants grown and cultivated in Japan.  Sensei starts directing us both how to start the process. 
 I told Nobu we looked like aliens with our gloves this color......LOL We are ready to take the challenge of indigo dyeing.
Our projects are completed and both shirts turned out excellent.  Can't wait to wear it and show all my friends in Ohio what Nobu made me. Thanks Nobu for an experience I have never had before.  :-) Before we left the shop the sensei's husband came out and showed us a few magic tricks.  He was very funny and entertaining.  I called him the magic man. 
It's time to journey home and the rain has finally stopped.  As we ride along in the car my mind is thinking about all the new things I have got to try today.  Marlon is going to love his gift from Nobu.  As we waited in some traffic I was admiring Niko Mountains.  The sky was dark behind them but the sun that was out was shining directly on the mountains giving them a glistening look. I was in awe as I looked at the beauty of them.
We are back in Utsunomiya now and Nobu wants to stop and get the toys she has for my grandchildren. I finally got to meet her husband, he is very shy and seems to be uncomfortable around me because he can't speak English.  I tried his best to tell me No English but I don't care about that I was just happy to meet him. 
Nobu is taking us to dinner now and we are eating at one of her favorite places. Reservations were made so they were expecting us.  I totally enjoyed the experience of grilling in the middle of the table.  Nobu did most of the cooking.  I enjoyed a few glasses of Lime shocho which was made excellent.  We all enjoyed sitting around the table and having a few drinks eating our dinner. 
I did try this dish that was sweet.  The looks turned me off very bad. When they finally told me what I was  I thought I was going to get
 sick.  HORMONE 
  View from our table at the city of Utsunomiya.
The food and company have been wonderful. Thanks again Nobu and Taka for making my time spent with such a wonderful memory.
I asked Nobu if she could stop at Teresa and Ric's apartment because I had a small gift for them.  We got lost trying to find Teresa's apartment so I ended up calling her for directions.  Teresa met me at the door with the gift bags and I went down elevator and got in the car and gave them their gifts. It is a small token of my appreciation for everything they have done for me. Can't wait for them to visit me in August.  We talked about several places they want to go when they reach Ohio.

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